War Haiku.


Remembrance Day.

Armistice Day - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armistice_Day

Remembrance Day-
even the traffic
pauses for 2 minutes
11 a.m.- a clock's bong
interrupts the silence
21-gun salute-
mortar fire echoes
in his eyes
cold downpour-
flashbulbs follow
the wreaths
slight drizzle-
under her umbrella
a tear
wreath laying-
youth choir accompanies
the veterans
war memorial-
red serge and poppies
stand out
unknown soldier's tomb-
"God Save the Queen"
ends the ceremony
"Green Fields of France"-
pipers & drummers
lead the parade
dignified march-
veterans and peacekeepers
pass the applause

Tina Stanton

jour du Souvenir --
des anciens aux yeux laiteux
la froideur des médailles

Abigail Friedman
in Regards de femmes

the next day
still there, on a wreath
my poppy

Dina E. Cox